Friday, July 29, 2011

Working in the Garden in the SUNSHINE

Took a few pictures to share
My garden is finally starting to bloom.
Zinnias from a dear friend in Italy with 
nasturtiums at the base.
Bee balm, the hummers love it.
Simplicity rose that the dear deer love. :-(
Black-eyed Susan Vine climbing 
the arch.
Day lilies and  a must clean birdbath the
chipmunks have been using!
I love the Daisies.
The regal lupine.
More day lilies.
Linchnis flos-jovis. I just call
 it a pretty pink flower that just
keeps popping up every year!
Dark eyes (my favorite) fuchsia.
Zinnia (looks like velvet)
Now back to weeding. Have a 
great weekend.

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