Monday, November 29, 2010

Next to the Last Q8 Update for 2010

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Hi everybody! Thought I would give you an update since my computer crashed a while back. It might seem a little bit random. That's because I am a little bit random.
First, the worst part about living overseas is being away from family and friends. It gets extra melancholy around the holidays...especially Christmas.

The Lord has a purpose in where we are at the present.
A friend of my wife shared this with her the other day...
"Have you ever heard of P.U.S.H.? It stands for Pray Until Something Happens!"
I share that with you because we all need a little PUSH now and then, well to be completely honest, ALL THE TIME. Especially those like me who have a "Declaration of DEPENDENCE" on the Lord Jesus Christ.
The day after I asked for prayer about a job, I got a phone call from Romeo Studios in Kuwait. They wanted me to do some voice-acting for a Ferrari commercial. (I had auditioned four or five months ago) I earned 50 dinar for about 15 minutes of work. That's about $175 in American moola. They plan on using me again in the future. Wish I had jobs like that everyday! I was with two other voice-over actors who read for this 30 second commercial. They will edit it, add the sound effects and actually, it's probably playing on the airwaves now. You have to be on call, at the drop of a hat, to run to the studio when the client needs an American voice for his product. I also helped edit some of the "unnatural sounding phrases" the script writer had made.
Anyway, I was thrilled to earn some easy money. (My favorite kind of money)
It's a career I will try to pursue here - since many Kuwaity clients want an authentic American voice on their commercials.
PUSH for that if your would.
Second, my computer died on me twice. The last one my son-in-law loaned me was so old, it didn't have a CD-ROM or DVD player, just a CD player and a floppy disk slot. The tower is so big it couldn't fit in my computer desk. Well, it crashed again. We found out that the new Photoshop CS5 was just to big for it to handle. My son-in-law and his brother worked on it and we took it to Hawalli (a town in Kuwait) that specializes in rebuilding computers.
In Kuwait, there are sections of town where every shop is about auto parts, or electronics, or furniture. In this one section of Hawalli, every shop for blocks, is only computer related. They installed some things in my computer free of charge.
I am very thankful to have a computer again.
Thanks again for your prayers.
No permanent job as yet. I am going on an interview today at 11:30. It's ITC Promotions, where they design premiums for companies like KFC, McDonald's and Burger King. I did this kind of work in the U.S. for a while, so my portfolio has quite a few designs I created for Pepsi, Lucas Films and Purina.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
May your Christmas be filled with God's love.
In His service,

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