Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Last Q8 Update for 2010

I know, I know...I shouldn't have said, "Last Update" the last time. I don't know what I was thinking. I had to go back and change the title of the last update to "Next to the Last Q8 Update".  
I have to let you know that the interview at ITC Promotions went very well. I have until Saturday to design 5 different toys based on a famous animated series. (I am under obligation not to disclose the character). That is a lot harder than you might think. I am in competion with their regular designer who lives in the States.
So please more PUSH (pray until something happens) would be appreciated. There are no guarantees and they won't pay unless the idea(s) are approved by the client.
The really good news is that, when I left the interview, my son-in-law called and told me his friend, who owns a company in Kuwait, wants to hire me full time. The pay is 350 KD (about $1,240 a month) and the company will help me get my residency and work visa. In a land where there is no taxes on anything (and I don't have any bills to pay) that ain't too bad. I can still do free-lance when it comes my way. I hope to purchase a brand new computer after the first of the year. I'll be sure to let you know when that blessed event takes place.
This was an obvious answer to my request for prayer. I can't thank you enough. In honor or your honoring me in your prayers, I am posting a monthly calendar (starting in January 2011) with a Calvinistic Cartoon theme for each month. You can print it out and use it (they all have a shelf life of one month). So far, I have everything pre-scheduled up to Feburary 5th - so two are already waiting for you in the near future. Thanks again, amigos! God is good! He can't be anything else!  

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