Friday, May 27, 2011

Up to my Helmet in Trouble

Some may have noticed my absence the past few days. I wasn't able to log on to my Google account. I couldn't post or comment on either of my blogs and my navigation bar had disappeared. I did everything I could to correct this problem to no avail. I thought I was a goner. The thought crossed my mind that Nigel Pettibone or Benny Finney may have hacked into my site and messed with my settings. I cleaned out the cookies and the cache. (I don't need the cookies, being a little overweight...but, who doesn't need the cache!) All roads led to dead end after dead end. As a last resort, I switched from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox and now things are working properly again. Whew! I don't deserve the mercy but, I am glad to be back on!

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