Monday, June 6, 2011

A New Hymn from an Emergent Hymnal

Pictured above is the new hymnal from Rob Bell's second cousin on his mother's side, Vern Mayfly, who edited the volume and wrote sixteen of the songs featured in the book. There is a hidden message in each of the "hymns" and this one is no exception:

Jesus help me grab the rope
Only you can toss me hope
Heaven is for all they say
Never to leave and go away
Christ helped me up when I was down
All souls are lost, all souls are found
Love wins big time in eternity now
Very soon everybody will choose to bow
I know my heart will love again
Never to sin against tree or men
Hell is really no place to fear
All who die will not go there
Devils and demons might stay awhile
Nobody else will walk that mile
Once people die they'll see the light
Closed eyes will open to the sight of
Love in sandals, robe and crown
Until that day we'll walk around
Ever witnessing to His love come down (hey nani nani and a hot cha cha)

So, as you can see, their theology is twisted, sister. Be warned.

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