Saturday, September 24, 2011

Teddy Picks the Winner...

"Teddy where have you been ? It's time 
to pick the winner and your face is 
all dirty....
Oh  well let's find the hat.... what no blindfold?
OK I know you don't read."
"Put the names in mom"
"I am mixing them up good"
"and the winner is...tell them mom, tell them"
"OK Teddy the winner is

"Teddy where are you going?'
"I'm waiting for LAURIE to come."
"Teddy we have to mail her prize to her."
"Well OK my job is done, can I have a treat now?"
Life with Teddy is never a dull moment.
 Congrats to you Laurie, please send me your address and Ted and 
I shall mail it off to you.
Thanks to everyone who entered. I have had fun 
peaking at all your wonderful blogs.

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