Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Strange Facts about Christian Leaders #4

1.  David Steele and Curtis Thomas were both born when Halley's Comet came into view in 1835. When they died in 1910, Halley's Comet was in view again...wait a second...sorry, that was Mark Twain.

2.  Mark Driscoll's home is free of badgers.

3.  Tim Keller once thought about ordering personalized license plates but later changed his mind.

4.  R. C. Sproul has never been bitten by the deadly Brazilian wandering spider.

5.  C. J. Mahaney walked out of his home one day and didn't come back until after dark.

6.  Many years ago, Steve Lawson escaped injury when his vehicle knocked over his garbage can while backing out of his driveway.

7.  Cornelius Van Til, in his prime, could probably whip R. J. Rushdoony with one hand tied behind his back.

8.  John Frame is also a classically trained musician and a critic of film, music, and chocolate Easter bunnies.

9.  Abraham Kuyper, in his early years, would mark on walls with crayons.

10.  Louis Berkhof has never bought plastic flamingos in the United States OR in Canada!

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