Sunday, April 10, 2011

Widget In or Widget Out

Some have noticed the Top Commentators widget has been acting like an angry Arminian. It seems to change it's mind with the weather. I have loaded and reloaded it and always get - "Bad Request Error 400" each and every time. Blame it on my kerosene-powered computer, my ignorance of protocol, or blame it on the fact that I am living in Kuwait.
(There are more restrictions here than in the States)
Whatever the reason, this fidgety widget can be a little frustrating to those who pay attention to it. For that I apologize and thought I would put it to a vote.

If you can accept a fallen widget in a fallen world vote YES.
If you want this widget to be banished to the Isle of Patmos vote NO.

I would love some feedback and/or suggestions.

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