Wednesday, April 20, 2011

As of Today - The Hardships of Blogging Daily

Because of the controversy of body gender in the comment section, I has been forced ta reveal da original photo ta prove it is NOT a female person, but a genuine dude.

Now, back to the original post...

It has been quite a run with Calvinistic Cartoons. My pace (not pacemaker) is slowing down. (I don't have a pacemaker...yet.) The cartoons and humor are harder to come by. My creative juices have been out in the Kuwait sun far too long and my ideas are starting to drift out to sea. Anyone who attempts to do a daily blog knows that it starts to take a toll on your mind after a few years. I have mentioned it before, and I'll say it again...I am old enough to be my own father. I can remember when folks sat down at the dinner table and counted their blessings instead of calories. I can remember when I could remember. Age brings a lot of physical problems as well. Along with my fading eyesight are various aches and pains that have unpacked and moved in without an invitation. I hope everyone will understand that things have to change. Some bloggers post every week or so and still maintain a good following. Some take a vacation from their blog for a month or two. So, as of today, I am going to post only on days that end with a "y". 

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