Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Optical Illusion Book by Benny Finney

Pictured above is an entry in Benny Finney's newest book. The small volume is entitled, Benny Finney's Theological Optical Illusions, The purpose of his book is to "visually undermine any Calvinistic concepts that I just can't agree with." According to Finney, this book will "shatter the teeth of any tulip-lover that dares open the cover!" Benny was seen on TBN a few days ago doing magic tricks aimed at the Reformed. He made a casket full of tulips disappear, he pulled a daisy out of the ear of Jan Crouch and he accidently set her hair on fire. This small book sells for just under one hundred American dollars but, as Benny put it, "All my prophets go to cutting edge churches." His explanation of the "illusion" above is - "Once you see PRE as FREE (as in FREE WILL) you will never be the same again!" 

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